Importance of English Language
The world is an increasingly globalized place where individuals are communicating among multiple
cultures each day. Today, an individual has access to a vast array of information from a variety of
world cultures at the touch of a button. In this modern, globalized society, knowing how to speak
another language is a crucial skill to have.
Language impacts the daily lives of the members of any race, creed, and region of the world. Language
helps express our feelings, desires, and queries to the world around us. Being unable to communicate
in a country is similar to be living with a serious impairment; it is very difficult to adapt and
get along with new people if there is no way to communicate with one another. Therefore, learning
multiple languages is important, not matter where in the world you are. The big question is-
which language should you learn? One language that is incredibly important to learn, is English.
English is the World’s Common Language. English has come of age as a GLOBAL
LANGUAGE. It is spoken by a quarter of the world’s population.It is spoken by a quarter
of the world’s population. It belongs to the world and increasingly to non-native speakers – who
today far outnumber native speakers. English drives growth and international development.
For developing and emerging economies, there is enormous demand and need for English in public
education systems to boost stability, employability and prosperity. English is a major medium of
instruction in schools. There are large number of books that are written in English language. If you
want to pursue higher education in field like technology, medical, space science, you need to learn
English language.
Additionally, the ability to communicate in multiple languages is becoming more and more important in
the increasingly integrated global business community. English is the dominant business language and
it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global
workforce. Being able to communicate directly with new clients and companies in their native
language puts any multilingual person miles ahead of his or her peers in the competition for jobs
and high-prestige positions.
English is in demand everywhere because people have realized that knowledge of English can lead to a
better career and higher income, and provide greater opportunities. English allows the
cross-pollination of ideas and innovation around the world, and it provides us with a new kind of
supranational single market in knowledge and ideas.
In order to prepare our nation’s children to be the next generation of future entrepreneurs, doctors,
scientists, engineers etc., we must foster an environment from a young age that promotes
multilingual learning. Through this we are setting up ourselves, our children, and our future
generation, for growth, success, security, and ultimately, prosperity.
English Can Change Lives.